Sermersooq establishes a new digital citizen involvement platform: Kommuneqarfiga

Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq has established a digital platform, to ensure maximum citizen involvement, also among the municipality's citizens who live outside Nuuk. Here you can enter into a dialogue with each other, with administrations and take a position on initiatives that need to be consulted, or where you want to start a public debate before decisions are made.

Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq works on the basis of a citizen involvement strategy, among other things with the help of the digital citizen involvement platform Kommuneqarfiga. Citizens 'participation helps to ensure the quality of decisions that have a direct or indirect influence on citizens' everyday lives. Tasiilami Suleqatigiippugut is working, of course, to spread the use of the Kommuneqarfiga platform in the local development of the Tasiilaq district.

The aim is to ensure that as many citizens in the municipality as possible have the opportunity to have a direct influence on the decisions made under municipal auspices. Involvement ensures the quality of the decisions, and local satisfaction with the decisions of the Municipal Council and the administrations is increased. The platform directly supports many SDGs on sustainabilitydevelopment, and in particular the goals of equality and opportunity to participate in and influence decision-making processes.

We see both the citizen involvement strategy and Kommuneqarfiga, as elements that support the realization of SDG goals 10.2, 11.3 and 16.7

Anna Sofie Skjervedal, senior consultant in Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, with special focus on citizen involvement: or Søren Skov, Program Manager for Tasiilami Suleqatigiippugut - We collaborate in Tasiilaq:

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