@ TELE-POST promotes digital creative competencies

TELE-POST wants to strengthen the next generation with creative competencies in an increasingly digital world. Children and young people must not only be super users of the digital solutions, but be able to create and be innovative with technology that will be absolutely central to the development of society.

Coding Class: TELE-POST has entered into a partnership agreement with Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq to put coding on the school timetable. The partnership includes a pilot project on four Coding Class classes for children in 7th grade, who through a five-day teaching course will learn to code digital solutions, which are typically presented at a company visit at the end of the course.

TELE-POST has an ambition to enter into further partnerships to spread the concept to all municipalities in Greenland, once they have gathered experience from the pilot project.

Coding Pirates: With a focus on digital creative competencies, TELE-POST has also entered into a partnership agreement with Coding Pirates.

The partnership includes weekend events in 2020, where Greenlandic children can meet Danish children in the virtual space and code together.

Sustainability Consultant in TELE-POST Tanja Christensen on E-mail: tanja@telepost.gl

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